Little Minx. Poppity Goblet. Sausage. Boo-boo. Pussycat.

Fastidious. Minor weakness for bananas and berries. Intrigued by her own nasal cavities. Likes a wander. Bossy boots. Considerate to soft toys. Enjoys a good lick of the coe-woe before bedtime. Furtive ice cube thief. Says Chinese words. With an English accent. Snores (gently). Lacks canines. A bloody genius.

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Saturday, January 06, 2007

A little and a lot

Having failed to follow through on vague plans to kidnap Natalie's passport, and thereby extend Mummy's stay in Singapore, Saffron spent her day cleaning, packing, shopping and singing - further demonstration (as if any were needed) that she is very much Natalie's daughter.

As Mummy disappeared into a very blue sky, Saffron strode off to the MRT, bosom thrust forward, lefthand tugging along imaginary luggage, and hips swivelling a-la SQ stewardess, along with Aunties Val and Tiffany, and Daddy.

The train ride into town was enlivened by a rendition of 'Castle in the Clouds' (Les Miserables), along with several encores. After which we got off at City Hall to be fleeced blind over a new camera, so that you lot can see what Saffy gets up to here in Singapore.

We made a beeline for sushi, with Saffron insisting that her tummy was very noisy having had little to eat since a dodgy tummy the previous day.
Saffron: "I want so much sushi, Daddy. And then after that I want fishballs too. And orange juice."
Daddy: "That all?"
Saffron: "And fizzy water."

This has been Saffy's third Sakae Sushi this week. She's going to smell of fish by the time CNY comes along...

Saffron was so impressed by the natty uniforms of the Cisco auxiliary police as we went from Sakae Sushi to Bras Basah Complex for art card, pens and pencils, that she announced (loudly enough for passers by to stop and gawk) that she wanted to be a soldier. Why? "Because I want to shoot the bad men."

She's pictured above saluting whilst shooting someone (presumably her superior officer?) with her gun.

A rather pleased Saffron contemplates all the creative activities she's going to get up to with her new box of rainbow-coloured Faber-Castell pencils. There's a lot of blank white walls in the apartment afterall, surely too many for her liking.

After opening up the pencils, but before putting them to creative use, Saffron started yawning and suggested we all (me, her, all her cuddly toys...) go and chat in bed.
Daddy (hopefully): "You're a little tired?"
Saffron: "I'm a little bit tired. But I'm a lot awake."

Fast forward two minutes, and it's good night from Saffron for today ...


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