Little Minx. Poppity Goblet. Sausage. Boo-boo. Pussycat.

Fastidious. Minor weakness for bananas and berries. Intrigued by her own nasal cavities. Likes a wander. Bossy boots. Considerate to soft toys. Enjoys a good lick of the coe-woe before bedtime. Furtive ice cube thief. Says Chinese words. With an English accent. Snores (gently). Lacks canines. A bloody genius.

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Monday, May 09, 2005

Good things come to those who wait

My well-placed sources have warned me that visitorship numbers to this blog are dwindling. Keeping readers in suspense is one thing, but to not say anything at all is quite another. I guess they have a point there. This and the threat of confirming anyone's suspicions that i am a bad mother (given the recent underground circulation of a Saffy voice recording which , funnily enough, has her enunciating what sound remarkably like swear words. Don't ask) have gone some way towards helping me overcome my writer's block.

So yesterday was Mother's Day. Or as James was teaching Saffy all day to say, Commercial Mother's Day (as opposed to Mothering Sunday which is celebrated in the UK, and which incidentally, I also had the fortune of celebrating). Saffron 'made' me a card with a purple paper rose attached. Though i suspect she may have had some help from her teachers in school; the cutout hearts are slighly beyond her at this point, much as we all know she's a clever sausage. She also gave me a handmade, ransom-note styled card signed off by her and Daddy (with cutouts of a pint glass) that was beautiful. To top it all off, when prompted by James to wish me 'Happy Commercial Mother's Day', she broke into song, raising her hands in the air, singing, 'Happy Mummy Mummy Mummy', to an unfamiliar tune. We were both surprised by her spontaneous rendition of what was obviously a tune they had been teaching her in school. I guess we won't be switching childcare centres for the time being. We braved the torrential downpour to have breakfast at the famous Red Star dimsum restaurant with Por Por, Uncle John, Uncle Ben and Aunties Charie and Fiffy. This was followed by a 'Special Mother's Day' photo session at Ralph Lauren, where we got to pose as a family with a giant bear. (Please don't judge us by this; we are not usually this cheesy). Funnily enough, when we got to the shop they promptly changed Saffron out of her turn-up jeans into a floral-print dress complete with peterpan collar. Saffron wasn't keen on co-operating until they trotted out the sugary gummi bears. After that she was all smiles. Meanwhile, all I could think about was hiding my horror at the e-numbers she was scoffing down and smiling for the camera, and Daddy was busy taking instructions from the cameraman on how to channel a 'Happy (Commercial) Mother's Day' look for the camera. I can't wait to see the pictures when they're ready in a week's time. If you're good, who knows, we may even put it up here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMIGOD OMIGOD OMIGOD! You finally posted. I craned and I hoped. I tutored and I spoke. (hey this rhymes..) And finally finally, some prose. Eureka! On my biryhday no less! <-- Shameless plug.

Btw, the line spacing thingy... have not figured it out yet... sigh..

9:14 pm, May 09, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! that sounded like a nice day spent then. and yes, she is such a clever little one, singing to you!! how cute!

4:27 am, May 10, 2005  
Blogger faffron said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Shell! Hope you had a nice day OUT OF THE OFFICE ; ) Yes, the double spacing could become an issue... it's not unlike my fekkai volumising mousse; used in the right amount it gives the impression of being lush, or in this case, articulate and thorough. But overdone, it makes me look like a Stepford wife, or in this case, long-winded and obviously with not much else to do. Which couldn't be further from the truth ; ) Is there any hope for rectifying the spacing? Thanks.

9:13 am, May 10, 2005  

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