Little Minx. Poppity Goblet. Sausage. Boo-boo. Pussycat.

Fastidious. Minor weakness for bananas and berries. Intrigued by her own nasal cavities. Likes a wander. Bossy boots. Considerate to soft toys. Enjoys a good lick of the coe-woe before bedtime. Furtive ice cube thief. Says Chinese words. With an English accent. Snores (gently). Lacks canines. A bloody genius.

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Friday, May 20, 2005

When the cat's away

What do you mean Daddy's not here to take me for a wander?

Yesterday marked the start of our week-long girls-only Slumber Party. After picking Saffy up from school at seven - usually James' privilege - we headed home and got ready for a heady night out on the (1) town (2) tiles (3) sofa (delete as appropriate).

Answer: (3) It's not called a pyjama party for nothing, you know.
So for the next two hours we sat on the sofa scoffing down chicken and blueberries, watching two Animal Planet documentaries on Baboons and Orang Utans. Saffron particularly enjoyed watching baby monkeys in nappies drink out of milk bottles and was excitedly jumping up and down in front of the telly making simian gestures and noises. At some point there was a milk break, followed by her pleading for 'more, more medicine, mummy?' after she finished her dose for the day. During one of the ad breaks, we even put up the official Gallery Minx sign (spelt Galerie Minx due to a letter shortage).

We also put the washing out to dry; Saffron took the clothes out of the machine and carried them to the clotheshorse, handing the freshly laundered items to me one by one. It was a big load so she had to make a few trips. I suppose it must have exhausted her because soon after we were done she declared that it was finally time for bed and the party moved to the bedroom.

What's a party without party hats? We put nappies on each other's heads and were both pleasantly surprised at the results; Saffron had a good laugh when she saw herself in the mirror. But perhaps it wasn't that brilliant an idea after all because the night's festivities culminated in Saffron wetting the bed (my side of the bed, I hasten to add). Turning her nose up at the mess, and with a cursory and disapproving 'Yuck', she promptly moved herself to Daddy's side of the bed and got ready for beddy-byes. By which time the hats were off our heads, of course. We then sang a few rounds of 'Oh my coe-woe, oh my coe-woe'* before snuggling up for the night. With a special 'Night-night, Daddy', she was off to the Land of Nod, bringing Night One of the Slumber Party Festival to an official close.

*Oh my coe-woe, oh my coe-woe
oh my coe-woe, i love you
You are smelly, you are comfy
Oh my coe-woe, i love you'
(Sung to the tune of Oh My Darling Clementine)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

saffiee!!!!! i love you so much!! :) can't wait to spend time with you once drama is over... :)
oh yes...

dear mother of the-cute-one (and sister of the-cute-but-not-as-cute-as-faffron-one too.. :p),
my friends have been hearing too much about saffron and seeing her from the blog and they're all wondering if they can be invited to her birthday party too.. hahahaha... :p just thought i'd let you know.. :) your daughter, MY niece, is such a star! :p

10:39 pm, May 20, 2005  

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