Little Minx. Poppity Goblet. Sausage. Boo-boo. Pussycat.

Fastidious. Minor weakness for bananas and berries. Intrigued by her own nasal cavities. Likes a wander. Bossy boots. Considerate to soft toys. Enjoys a good lick of the coe-woe before bedtime. Furtive ice cube thief. Says Chinese words. With an English accent. Snores (gently). Lacks canines. A bloody genius.

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Sunday, March 30, 2008

What we'll do for cake and some chantilly cream

10 December 2006 Little Minx trying to sneak a peek at the various options of pastries at the Harvey Nics Fifth Floor patisserie (since replaced by a very agreeable Daylesford Organic cafe).


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