Little Minx. Poppity Goblet. Sausage. Boo-boo. Pussycat.

Fastidious. Minor weakness for bananas and berries. Intrigued by her own nasal cavities. Likes a wander. Bossy boots. Considerate to soft toys. Enjoys a good lick of the coe-woe before bedtime. Furtive ice cube thief. Says Chinese words. With an English accent. Snores (gently). Lacks canines. A bloody genius.

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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The year was 2004...

My favourite munchkin

As you can tell I'm clearly on a roll here. No one seems to mind these old pictures and I thought it would be foolish not to try and get away with as many as possible while I still can. Besides, I'm about to dash off for a family dinner. Enjoy!

Neighbourhood Watch

One tough chick

Pictured here in one of her favourite outfits, Saffron puts on her 'good cop' pose. Despite the fact that the top has been packed away for some time now (a little too snug for ASP Smith - too many doughnuts perhaps, officer?) she's still on the case, occasionally rummaging through her wardrobe asking for "Police t-shirt?"


Knock knock, who's there?

I was planning on posting a more recent photo, to update everyone on the Hawaiian fever that has gripped us here at Saffy's Beach Hut, but unfortunately I don't have my memory chip with me at work. So I've trawled through the Saffy Archives and picked out a couple of pictures which i thought you wouldn't really mind me sharing with you. Even if they were snapped in August/September 2004, shortly after our move back to Singapore.

Monday, June 06, 2005

This is why we haven't been blogging

"Happy to you, blow candle?"

I've been terrible, and don't i know it. But we have been busying ourselves with preparations for Saffron's birthday. With partyware airflown from London and grass skirts hand-carried from Hawaii, it promises to be the Party of the Year. That's if i ever get around to sending out the invitations.

Pictured here is Saffron with the first birthday present of the year, sent all the way from Switzerland, from Auntie Val and Uncle Tim. I wish we could say that we are looking forward to opening the beautiful package, but we're not. Because we already have. She is a toddler, after all. And she has a daddy who egged her on from the sidelines. So thank you Auntie Val and Uncle Tim for the lovely dolly - who though barely two days old in our household, has already had nappy rash cream lovingly applied by Saffron, and is missing her clothes and shoes.