Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Christmas Eve 2005
Miss Charles Voegele
Pity we* can't upload videos on the blog because if we could, this picture would probably be accompanied by the sweet dulcet tones of Saffron singing "It's Christmas time and time for a carol, time to sing about the little king, to fill our bowls and roll out the barrel, have ourselves a fling". And the high-pitched, deep breathing sound of me falling to pieces in the front seat of the car as I realise that it's Christmas Eve and I've only bought 1 out of the 7 presents on my list.
Here we're braving our way through holiday weekend traffic to Oxford for a spot of Christmas shopping, and Saffron is decked in original Auntie Val creations, hand carried all the way from the fashion capital that is Rapperswil.
*I suppose what I really mean to say is "I" instead of "We". But of course if anyone is motivated by the thought of watching me self-destruct scene by scene, and wants to show me how to upload videos, please, by all means. (Strength #2: Willingness to learn).
An unwitting glimpse into the future
Full dress rehearsal
It's quarter past 3 in the morning and I've just completed my self-appraisal. Lest anyone jump to the hasty conclusion that I've just stayed up all night to voluntarily reflect on my strengths (I make pretty good instant noodles) and weaknesses (Laduree macaroons), let me make it clear that I'm referring to the performance appraisal for work. I've never been comfortable with rating myself on a scale of 1-4 and it's always tricky treading the fine line between confident honesty and tragic delusion. Oh well.
Anyway, since my head is still swimming with recollections of how I've displayed excellent communication skills or socio-political sensitivity over the past year, I figured I might as well reward myself (and you!) by blogging.
Reason I haven't blogged in awhile is simply because I have been waiting for Auntie Valerie to send me the photos she took while she came to stay with us in London. (Weakness #2: Tendency to be obsessive with order). So please redirect all your hate mail to her. Of course there's also the small detail about us having moved halfway around the world in the thick of winter, having to find a roof over our heads, having to find new friends for Saffron, finding out where's the best place to catch a cab, living out of our suitcases for a month...which you may have overlooked.
This is the first picture in the CD which Auntie Val has sent me. Snapped when we were still basking in the equatorial warmth and she was back for Chinese New Year last year. Who would have guessed then that almost exactly year on, we would be back again in the blistering cold?